Online Gambling Games May Become Legal in the United States in the Near Future

Recently, reports on the Internet indicated that the United States will allow people to play online gambling games once again. Only a few states, including Nevada (where Las Vegas is located), will have a license to provide it to their residents. This means it won’t be available anywhere else. My first thought was that millions of poker players would flock to Nevada to connect with the international online poker industry and stage a real-life poker massacre. However, after conducting some research, I came to the conclusion that marijuana legalization is only applicable in the American state under consideration. However, players from other states will be able to participate in games offered by online casinos.

Consider that the goal of the legalization project was to generate more revenue from the field of online gambling, which is intended not only for players in the country where the site is hosted, but also for visitors from other countries. However, as a result of recent changes to the regulations governing online gambling, the United States Treasury will retain all tax revenue collected.

Brand competition in the gambling industry

There is little doubt that global poker and other “gambling” companies will compete fiercely for their much-anticipated license in the United States. Gambling is a massive online industry; in fact, I would argue that it is without a doubt one of the top three online industries in the world in terms of the number of people who participate and the amount of money that is exchanged. The leadership in the United States is pleased with this development and recognizes the untapped financial potential of online gambling games. As a result, the time has come to legalize marijuana, and we are now seeing various states begin to issue permits for its use.

It appears to me that European operators will have to pay a significant sum of money to obtain a license that will allow them “access” to players in the United States. Simply because no one else is willing to give up such a minor aspect of their gambling operation.

The various types of gambling are defined, as well as gambling in general.

In this section of the post, I’ll discuss some broad social notions and prejudices about gambling, as well as a few specific examples. It is a common misconception that gambling games only consist of slot machines and online slots. This is not the case. A game of chance is defined as “any game in which there is an element of chance and risk, and the outcome depends to some extent on the player.” The term “game of chance” refers to “a game in which the gain is completely or largely independent of playing skill, but from chance,” according to Wikipedia. In terms of terminology, a game of chance is any game that contains an element of chance and risk, and the outcome can depend to some extent on the player. According to the economic definition of gambling, it is “placing a bet on money or any material value on an event with a questionable outcome with the main goal of making a profit or material values.” Gambling is more dependent on luck than on the players’ ability, the amount of bets is determined arbitrarily and can be changed by the participants, and the main focus is not on the game process, but rather on the game’s outcome.

According to both of these criteria, there is an element of danger and chance in the game, money is used as a betting method in the game, and the player’s skills and experience can only marginally alter the outcome of an event. Everything appears to be clear, though under this definition, it is unclear how small the part of one’s own talents in the game must be in order for the game to be considered random gambling. Except for one point, everything appears to be in order. Furthermore, I’d like to state for the record that the owner of the gambling games is always thought to be in a good financial position.

Consider the lottery; everything about it appears simple; all you have to do is buy a ticket; you don’t have to worry about anything else; and your involvement in the game itself is minor (it is limited to buying and filling in the corresponding numbers). Everything in a slot machine works the same way: you put money into the machine, press a button, and the game begins. On the other hand, there are games that involve both risk and reward, such as blackjack, poker, financial bets, and a variety of other wagers.


To summarize, I believe that video games, with their loot boxes, weapon skin drops, and other features, are a form of gambling. Whether you like it or not, video games have evolved, and this transformation is not going away anytime soon…